Monday 23 October 2023

This week - Professor Lize Maree talks about Cancers of the Female

This is a very important talk and we hope that many women will benefit from it.  If you are not a member of the club and wish to hear it just respond in the side panel and we will send you the link. 

I am not going to attempt an introduction to Professor Lize Maree as our member Professor Shelley Schmollgruber will introduce her far better than I.   

All I will say is that Lize Maree, like Shelley, is a professor who does 'profess' and so many do not which is a title that should not be accorded to those who sit in ivory towers and teach nothing.

Last Week

Our project meetings are valuable and do more than keep us up to date with what is happening and really do provide an opportunity for members to make suggestions for new projects.

Two items stood out for me.  Azera talking about the success of the Morakoma Primary School Vegetable Garden Project.  How this has provided food for the children at the school and also taught them to grow vegetables.  It was the little things that fascinated me;  how you can use a Coke bottle as a mini greenhouse to protect a seedling, to save water and encourage it to grow.  Now we will see if we can expand the project.

The second item was the approval of the request by Ron McCormick who heads up our Community Service Committee for us to sponsor a Children's Party at Bethany Home for Abused Women and Children.  Our support for Bethany is long term and we are currently involved in waterproofing the roof.  To provide a Christmas party for the children involves a different group of members of our club who might otherwise have not been involved.

President Ron announced that all the tables for Burns Night in January have been sold.  I am not sure whether more people can be accommodated.  The important job now is to increase the sponsorship of tables etc.  The piper has already been sponsored.

Next Week

It's the 1st November, already!  A Business Meeting preceded by the Board Meeting.

International:  Barbados

The Rotary Club of Barbados has created a series of financial literacy workshops with the help of club members who are financial professionals, including bankers, insurance agents, actuaries, and wealth managers. Dubbed Save, Spend, Thrive, the program includes classroom sessions, mentorship opportunities, and social media messaging. The workshops began in January with sessions for residents and former clients of a center for people with substance use disorders. The effort expanded in April and May through a collaboration with a church in Bridgetown. Topics include debt management, household budgeting, saving, and retirement planning. “To date we have served approximately 100 people, most of them women,” says club member Jamella Forde.

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