Monday 19 February 2024

This Week - A Project Meeting

 The primary discussion will be on the golf day but I am sure that other things might pop up such as Little Eden.  We ordered wheelchairs for the CEO Project and here they are being loaded into the container in the England by the Rotary Club of Rushmore for Northcliff Rotary Club to service and distribute.  It's nothing to do with Mount Rushmore in the USA.  Rushmoor is in Hampshire but there's also one in Surrey.  Take your pick.   This is the Hampshire one.

Ride for Sight

Opened the door and in flew Enza.  Enza had been threatening me all week and finally hit hard on Friday so, sadly, I was unable to be at Ride for Sight.  It hasn't gone yet so I am a prisoner in my own home with a tough female warder,,,,no I didn't mean you, I meant the cat!

Obviously it all went very well with the usual last minute hitches and problems and lunatic drivers. Many thanks, Lauwrence and Rene for stepping into the breach.  Congratulations, Mike de Beer on such a successful day.....he's walking out of shot, a modest man.  His organisation is meticulous and keeps everyone informed and up-to-date all the time from when the date comes out for the ride until the last rider home on the day.

Last Week

We had a very interesting talk by Dave Collier of Bakerman SA about the status of the baking industry and the problems we will be facing in the future.  I don't think any of us realised the industry's importance to South Africa's GDP or the increasing shortage of qualified bakers and the problems this will create in the future quite apart from his interesting comments on gluten intolerance.

He has expressed an interest in joining our club which is a bonus. 

Next Week:  Lorenzo Barry 

Lorenzo talks about the problems of distribution and marketing for small farmers.  This should be of considerable interest to us.

He is the Co-Founder & Owner of L&M Sovereign Holdings | RENBAR Solutions.

International - England

For its centennial project, the Rotary Club of Halifax built a scenic overlook above the town on an ancient road and footpath known as the Magna Via. Illustrated panels identify landmarks such as Wainhouse Tower, Borough Market, Square Church spire, the Halifax gibbet (a 

replica of the 16th century precursor to the guillotine), and the Town Hall, designed by Sir Charles Barry, architect of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. QR codes link to descriptions of the landmarks on the club website. “The views are magnificent and span the horizon,” says Ken Robertshaw, a past governor of District 1040. The $25,000 project, dedicated in late June, was funded by sponsoring businesses and individual donors, including Robertshaw, who contributed in honor of his late wife, Pauline. The Town Council agreed to maintain the overlook. “Given the history of the site, it seemed like an appropriate place for us to build something that celebrates the rich heritage of the town,” Robertshaw says.

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